An approach that helps legacy and consumer-driven brands grow with possibility, in autonomy. 

Rather than take a one-size-fits all approach, our repertoire of proprietary processes allows us to develop a deeper understanding of your brand; create and implement a customized strategy specific to the needs of your business. The following key marketing elements are embedded within each of our four strategic process models:

Gathering critical data, feedback & perspective. 
~ Discovery Session
~ Stakeholder Interviews
~ Market Research
~ Consumer Surveys
~ Focus Groups
~ Trend Analysis
~ Audience Findings

Translating the data, embedding tactics and deliverables
into a digestible framework.

Target Audience Personas
~ Brand Attributes:
~ Mission, Vision, Values, Promise, Purpose
~ Marketing & Communications Plan
~ Social Media Strategy
~ Public Relations Campaigns 
~ Crisis Communications 

Bringing tangible tactics to life through guided action,   implementation and storytelling.
Project Management
~ Owned Content Management:
~ Website, Newsletter, Blogs
~ Content Creation & Copywriting
~ Partnerships & Sponsorships
~ Event Activations & Management 
~ Media Coverage and Awards
~ Speaking Opportunities Media Training 
~ Reporting

Integrating the experts & specialists within a hybrid, collaborative model. 
Brand Identity (Logo, Typeface, Colour Palette)
~ Creative & Design
~ Photography & Video
~ Digital & Social Media Ads

Linear Strategy

How it works: Gentle Lion acts as your Fractional CMO. The Discovery, Stakeholder Engagement, and Strategic Sketch phases, gather feedback, analyze insights, and illuminate blind spots. Recommendations are then translated into a 12-month roadmap via the Marketing & Communications Plan.

Who it’s for: You are new to the market or your audience groups are no longer engaging with your brand. You need a diagnosis on how to create brand awareness and lead generation that utilizes all of your media channels.

Flex Strategy

How it works: Similar to the Linear Strategy, but with the option of focusing on one or two key recommendations before jumping into the full Marketing & Communications Plan. Prioritized recommendations are built out into a goal-specific Campaign Strategy.

Who it’s for: You still require audience insights, and the data directs you to the critical initiatives that need to be set in motion in the short-term.

Campaign Strategy 

How it works: Gentle Lion supports through a project-specific lens. During the Discovery, we’ll extract crucial information and become aligned on the common purpose. The Campaign Strategy will act as a primary goal-oriented roadmap that can be executed by all parties. 

Who it’s for: You already have a solid brand foundation and are looking to launch a new product, concept or service through an event activation or public relations campaign.

Strategic Sprint

How it works: Gentle Lion is your coach on the sidelines. The mini Discovery gathers a snapshot of your goals, needs and challenges. The Strategic Overview outlines a path forward, including the tools and templates needed for you to successfully execute.

Who it’s for: You are an early-stage business owner that requires essential tools, coaching, resources and expertise, which you are then able to execute on your own.

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